Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Determining Your Constitutional Type


Below I have posted a link from my Aunt's website "Amazing Herbal Remedies". This is a simple way to better understand who you are.



Health and wellness has always been a subject of poignant interest to me. It wasn’t until I started working with my mother at her Ayurvedic store about seven years ago, that I finally realized that I wanted to further my career in this field. I was amazed at the scope of what Ayurveda had to offer. This ancient alternative to medicine has been around for over 5,000 years and has stood the test of time. During the past few years, there has been a surge in this art-form, fuelled by more interest from everyone.
Ayurveda, which means science of life or of knowledge in Sanskrit, is a system of traditional medicine native to India which is now practised in other parts of the world and gaining popularity day by day. Ayurveda provides a unique and harmonious way of living and prevention of illnesses. In a spiritual sense if we understand how to balance the doshas (bioenergies) within ourselves and on all levels of consciousness, we can expect to reach higher levels of realism and connections to god.
There are three qualities (doshas) which are Kapha(water), Pitta(fire), Vata(air) which I believe is one of the basic principles of Ayurveda. These are the basic controlling forces or bodily functions. When all the doshas work in harmony, there is equanimity within the body. Healing and increasing our longevity through Ayurveda leads to the ultimate goal in our lives – self realization. When we understand the ways of Ayurveda and how to apply them to ourselves through mind body and spirit we can help to master a healthy lifestyle. This helps to give us inner peace, balance and enhance our life energy physically, emotionally and mentally. Our bodies are very unique in their own ways and needs rejuvenation which Ayurveda provides in a wide range from simple life changes to peaceful therapies.

Ayurveda teaches understanding and self healing. Learning about ones constitutional type can direct us to interact with the world, surroundings and overall habits and lifestyle. Ayurveda helps us to achieve good health and restore balance in the whole body and as they say prevention is better than cure. We should analyze our lives, surroundings, behaviours , habits and so on to determine which dosha is most present and which needs to be balanced. I think it is a great idea to follow a regulated plan which is unique for each individual. Start with a diagnosis to find the right dosha(s), and qualities. Once that is determined, follow or design a proper daily routine .This would include rising and sleeping patterns, change of habits, cleansing and meditation. Next depending on your constitutional type, create a nutritional diet plan to help balance. Last a cleansing or purification consisting of panchakarma, basti, rasayana and more. Enhancing our energy flow increases our prana(life energy) creating power of effulgence throughout the body.
The basics of Ayurveda I find most helpful and important are the elements , doshas, chakras, energy channels, mental qualities, malas, and agni. Since working in this field and now studying Ayurveda it has opened my eyes to the many more things it has to offer. I now analyze myself and my clients and can give them the best advice based upon my learnings. I find this to be beneficial because now I know where to start and what to look for especially if I myself or clients come with a health issue. I am excited and more confident when assisting my clients and think they can benefit from my advice and therapies without the adverse side effects. This is an overall natural self healing system to harmonize the whole mind body and soul through a little practice. This first year of learning has taught me a lot more about myself and others. I look at the world differently although I will admit changing certain habits or surroundings has been a struggle. I understand the human body in more detail and look forward to helping myself and others and directing them to a higher learning, giving guidance, positive attitude, conduct and healthy lifestyle. I personally would like to go to someone with my health issues if they had the knowledge, because not everyone understands or knows of the simple traditional remedies and looks for help and guidance. After receiving the proper advice and direction, you feel more confident and a self satisfaction as well. These days people are looking for a natural way to cure or prevent problems arising since modern medicine can be addictive and have tremendous side effects. The Ayurvedic principles directs us to become our own healer. We can all benefit learning the different constitutions, attitudes, determine the root of problems, diet, daily routines and bringing your mind to peace with yoga(postures) or meditation. A positive attitude is the best way to look at things no matter what the situation may hold. I find it most important to how we live everyday according to Ayurveda because it reflects our health long term rather than visiting the doctor from time to time. We are connected to the earth as well and we can’t self heal if the earth elements are not balanced. This is my understanding of mind,body and soul. Traditionally our health is the balance of the 5 elements(air,water,fire, earth,ether). I believe Ayurveda gives us great insight to the mind, body and soul in a way we learn of ourselves, and the earth. The focus of Ayurveda is that of all universe, people, illnesses, food, nature and animals. We notice our likes and dislikes, good habits and bad. We are given decisions to make every day and if we choose reasonably and honestly then we will be rewarded in a positive way. We are distinctive individuals and if we don’t take care of ourselves and nature we can expect to run across health issues, toxins build up in the body, our energy channels get blocked and other problems arise, and even disasters on earth. Our health is all up to us, treat it right and you will be united as whole.

I am pleased to learn of Ayurveda and more about my cultural background and roots. I remember growing up and my mother teaching me the importance of god, not to hold onto material things and to treat all people with respect regardless of the situation. To this day she still amazes me, I see a wholesome god in her. Now that we work side by side, I couldn`t be more grateful, I have developed a stronger bond with my best friend and I look up to her more than anyone.
