Sunday, September 25, 2011

Summer to Fall Transition

Summer (Fiery, hot Pitta season) has ended and Fall (Dry, cold Vata season) has approached. We can naturally tend to feel uneasy, unbalanced or become ill. We also change ourselves according to the cooler weather; we wear warmer clothing and crave warmer foods. Anytime the weather changes, naturally our bodies will also transition, so we must remember to follow with remedies or precautions when the time arrives.

Many people wonder why they get sick, feel lethargic, and have pain or arthritis in their bones mainly during the cold season. Just as the universe carries elements of wind, air, fire, water, space, our bodies also have the same kind of elements and qualities; we just need to learn to balance. Even in foods, there are the same properties and that’s why it is important to take certain things in moderation. If we eat too much spice, sometimes it can aggravate the Pitta dosha as it already has the fire element, so in portion it is ok. Many things can be good for one person, but may not be for another. I truly agree with the saying “We Are What We Eat”.

During the summer Pitta rises due to the heat and fire element is carries, so eating cooling items would help reduce excess Pitta from our system, along with following with a daily routine (dinacharaya), cleansing techniques, diet, exercise, rest etc.

Fall has begun and this is a good time to cleanse and release the heat and toxins from our body. Fall season is when Vata (Dry, cold, light, mobile, rough, astringent qualities) can become dominant in anyone. The elements of Vata are air and ether and they are responsible for all movement in the body. Their main seat in the body is the colon and large intestine and they are responsible for speech, happiness, pulsation of the heart, elimination, circulation and prana (transfer of energy). Therefore to bring it to balance, below are some simple things to keep in mind:

Start a cleanse routine; eat apples and pears because they are seasonal, good in fibre and removes toxicity. For the first little while of Fall this is fine, then lean towards eating more warmer, cooked foods, stews and soups. The warmer properties of these items will go against Vata dominating qualities and that will bring more balance to the dominating Vata. Increase the intake of grains, nuts and seeds as the natural oils will help build the body and give endurance
Items good for vata: all dairy products, nuts, dried or citrus fruits, basmati rice, grains, sweet potatoes, asparagus, mung beans. Vata should also eat less of pungent, bitter and astringent tastes, corn, buckwheat, rye, oats, barley, and millet.
Vata pacifying spices (all spices are good): cumin, coriander, dried ginger, black pepper, turmeric, saffron, cardamom, garlic, fenugreek, basil, cayenne, ajwan, caraway, dill, thyme, vanilla, and oregano are just some examples.
Before bed, try to drink a warm glass of milk with ginger and honey

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